Blendee, with the Audience Insight section, provides a battery of reports that allow you to carry out advanced analysis on your Audience in the last 30 days. You will be able to analyze the overlap between two Audiences, the life trend of an Audience, the analytics of an advertising campaign and much more.
How to get an advanced analysis of your entire audience in the last 30 days
To access the reports, click on “Analytics” and then on “Audience Insights“
From the drop-down menu, you’ll be able to choose the report you want to access.
- Audience Overlap: Analyze the overlap between your Audiences. The different colors of the cells make it easy to identify whether there is a low or high overlap. You can filter the entire report by Portal, Audience or Label, filters placed at the top of the report.
- Audience Trend: shows both the trend of users belonging to an Audience according to the longevity of the Audience itself and the daily number of Active Users belonging to an Audience who have browsed your digital properties.
- Campaigns Analytics: analyzes the performance of Impressions, Clicks, and Video Metrics of campaigns. You can filter the entire report by Time Range, Portal, Campaign, and Id Tags.
- Campaigns Overview: Analyze the events (Impressions, Clicks, video metrics) generated by users who have interacted with your campaigns. The report also allows you to get information about the age and gender of users, their interests and most used devices. You can filter the entire report by Time Range, Portal, Campaign, and Id Tags.
- Domain Distribution: analyzes the entire list of domains visited by your users in the last 30 days. You can filter the entire report by Portal or by a particular domain, and view the number of unique users and events on each domain.
- Domain Overview: shows the top 5 campaigns and domains most visited by users with the relative number of events performed (Clicks, Impressions, Pageviews). You can filter the entire report by Source (ADV or Website) or by a specific Portal or Campaign and define a time range of interest.
- External Source User Match: analyzes the match between online users tracked by Blendee and offline users imported from your CRM.
- Long Tails: Shows the entire list of all your domains, all your sub interests, and all your Personas. You can filter the entire report by individual Audience.
- Accounting Report: provides a report of all the events tracked by Blendee, divided by year, month and media channel: Owned, Adv, DEM and custom events. The report also shows the number of Audiences created, active audiences, and those synced to external platforms. You can filter the entire report by year, month, and Portal. This report is usually used for billing purposes.
- Segment Overview: shows the top Audiences, those with a higher number of users. The report shows the number of users belonging to each Audience, also offering the breakdown of Audience Id and Type. You can filter the entire report by Source (ADV or Website) or by a particular Portal, Campaign, or Audience Type.
- Analytics Tags: get information about your tags and the users who interact with them both in your digital properties and in your Adv channels. The report provides details about the campaigns and audiences associated with the tags; the average daily number of unique users tracked per tag; The average daily number of events performed by all users tracked by the tag. The report also provides information about the tags used to track video metrics and custom events.
- Partner Demo By Campaign: shows the socio-demographic characteristics of the users who have interacted with your campaigns. Thanks to this report you can get valuable information such as gender, agen, main interest and sub interest, and users’ devices tracked on your ADV campaigns. You can filter the entire report by a specific Portal, by Campaign, by Placement Id, by Action Type, and by time frame of interest.
- Global Audience: Shows the concentration of your Audience’s interests compared to the Global Audience. You can analyze the distribution of interests even for a single audience.
- Total Audience 90Day: shows the socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, interest and geolocation) of your Audience in the last 90 days. You can filter the entire report by a particular Portal, by Campaign, by Source (Website, ADV).
- Nessie 90 Day Overview: Shows the trend of your Audience and the Audience of the NESSIE consortium over the last 90 days. Thanks to this report, you can analyze the number of users to whom Blendee was able to infer the attributes of age, gender, main interest and sub interest, geolocation and the main navigation statistics (hour range, impressions and pageviews). All of this data is available for both your Audience and the Consortium Audience. This report is only available to members of the NESSIE consortium.
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