We’re going to explain how every single key in this template works.
For the initial configuration of the behavioural message, please refer to the dedicated article how to configure a behavioural message.

SIDEPANEL > Message Text
Label Text Color is the text color of the opening label.
Text color is the text color for the additional HTML content.
Label Title
Hover Link Color : Enter the color of the links for the additional text content.
HTML content : Enter the text content you want to display.
Title font : Title size indicated in px.
Title Color : We set the color for H1 titles only.
Featured Image Link : Enter the url for the link of the featured image.
Hide Text : We can decide whether to hide the entire additional content block.
Label Background Color | Outer Label Border | Outer Label Border Color | Icon on external label | External label border size (in px) external label customizations.
General padding (in px): The distance between the edge of the container and the contents.
Image Height (in px) sets the size of the featured image.
Box border size (in px) | Box Border Color sets the thickness and color of the outer border.
Rounded Corners box (in px) configures the rounded corners of the div where featured image and content are inserted.
Background color : We set the background color of the content.
Show featured image : We can decide whether to show or hide the image next to the text content.
Featured image : we select the image to be displayed next to the content through the media gallery.
Container Shadow toggles the drop shadow of the content.
Additional CSS code : we can insert custom CSS code WARNING: insert valid CSS code.
Animation: External label icon : If I activate, the icon rotates 180° each time the window opens or closes.
SIDEPANEL > Location & Size
Show Featured Image from Mobile We can decide to hide the featured image from mobile.
Content Margin : We set the distance between text, form, and rec content.
Maximum content size : we set the maximum width (in px) of the box where forms, contents and rec are inserted.
Full-height sidepanel when set to yes, the sidepanel takes up the full height of the viewport.
Rounded corners of the outer label (in px): we set the rounded corners of the outer label.
Sidepanel top/bottom start (in px): We set the distance of the sidepanel from the bottom or top edge (depending on the chosen position) of the viewport.
Image Highlight Top/Bottom on Mobile forces the position of the image before or after the content for mobile resolutions.
Horizontal sidepanel position (yes = left | no = right) | Vertical Position Sidepanel (Yes = Top | No = Bottom): Set the position relative to the viewport.
Sideways Highlight Image (Yes = Left/Right | No = Top/Bottom) | Highlight image at the top (only if “Image positioned sideways” = no) | Highlight image on the left (only if “Image positioned laterally” = yes) we configure the position of the featured image.
Alt Featured Image : Insert alt text for the featured image.
Z_index Sidepanel we set a z-index to place the message above our website.
Left and right padding of the outer label text (in px) | Padding before and after the outer label text (in px) we set the inner margin of the outer vertical label.
SIDEPANEL > Content recommendation
Brand name size (in px) | Original price size (in px) | Size sale price (in px) | Product Name Size (in px) | Product description size (in px): set the size of the texts inside the card.
Show currency symbol before price if set to “yes” the currency is shown before the price, otherwise it is shown after.
Order short description | Brand Order | Order Product Name | Image Order | Price order we can decide the order of each item, the higher the value the sooner it will be entered.
REC Title : Enter the text to be shown in the title before the rec.
Show REC before content : if set to “yes” the box with the REC will be displayed first and then below the content.
REC Button Text : We set the button text on the rec card.
REC Image Animation : We can enable or disable image magnification for hover status on the REC cards.
Hide REC: We can hide the entire rec box.
REC separator thickness (in px) | REC Separator Color : Customize the bar that separates the rec from the content.
Hide REC Title | Hide REC Brands | Hide REC Name | Hide REC Description | Hide REC Image | Hide REC Pricing | Hide REC button: we can decide to hide or show the individual elements of the cards.
Full-width button : We can set the buy button on full-width cards.
Original price slanted bar is used to set the parallel or oblique bar to the original price.
Original Price Bar Color sets the bar color to the original price.
Maximum Product Image Height (in px): We set the maximum height for card images.
Product Name Color | Product description color | Original price | Color Reduced Price | Brand name color : we customize the colors of the texts on the cards.

FORMS AND BUTTONS > Position and size
Show Form: We can hide the form if we want.
Margin between form contents sets the distance between the form and the text contents (in px).
Title: Label form: in bold: we can set bold on the labels of the form.
Form Input Background Color | Form Input Border Color | Color checkbox/radio form | Label form color | Form background color : Set the colors of the form elements.
Round Corners Form (in px) | Padding forms (in px if background is active) are activated only if the background of the form is visible.
We can decide whether or not to show the background of the form.
Button Background Color | Pulsed Text Color | Rollover Pulsed Text Color | Button Background | Rollover Buttons Background | Button Text Size (in px) \ Rounded Corners of Buttons (in px) | Rollover Button Border Color | Button Border Color | Button Border Size | Button side padding (in px) | Padding above/below button (in px) Let’s customize the form button.
Thanks for contributing!