We’re going to explain how every single key in this template works.
For the initial configuration of the Behavioural Message, please refer to the dedicated article how to configure a behavioural message.
Let’s analyze all the parameters in this section.
“Show on load” we can decide whether the warning should be visible immediately or not.
“Show after scrolling” warning will be visible only after scrolling from the initial position of the indicated value (in px).
“Duration” we can set the time in which the warning remains visible.
“Close other messages” we can decide if this message should close the other warnings on the page or not.
“Duration of cookies at closure” we can indicate the time in which the warning will not be shown to the user again after the user has closed it.
“Show after x seconds” we can set a delay in the display of the warning.
“Size” in this parameter we can enter the values, small, medium, large or default, these will change the outer margin of the message.
“Font Awesome Symbol” we can choose the icon to be inserted before the title.
“Text Color” opens the color picker from which we can select or enter the Hex value to set the text color.
“Title Color” color picker to set the color of the title.
“Button Color” color picker to set the background color of the button.
“Button Text Color” color picker to set the text color for the button.
“Rounded Corners” value in px to indicate the rounding of the outer corners.
“Border Width“
“Border Color” color picker to set the color of the outer edges.
“Width” we can set the width of the warning (the value is in px).
“Background Color” opens the color picker from which we can select or enter the Hex value to set the background color of the warning.
“Top Margin” value in px to indicate the distance from the top margin of the page.
“Title” enter the title text.
“Content” insert the text immediately after the title.
“Button Text” means the internal text of the button.
“Button Link” enter the url to which the button should redirect.
“Target Link Button” we can select where and how the link opens.
“zindex” Enter a numeric value to place the message on top of other site elements.
“Show button” we can decide whether to show or hide the warning button.
“Close message when clicking on the button” set to so that the warning is not visible to the user for the time set in the cookies (previously set).
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