The Newsletter Subscription/Unsubscription trigger is activated every time a user registers/unsubscribes from the newsletter.
To configure this filter, click on Journey -> Trigger -> Real Time Trigger.
Click on the blue button at the top right “New Trigger” on the configuration screen select the “Newsletter subscription/unsubscription” trigger. To learn how to set up all configurations, read the article “Configure a trigger“.
After selecting the trigger, click on “Next”.
At this point you will be able to set the Advanced Configurations.
For point 5 “Configure trigger options” you can select the type of action, whether to subscribe or unsubscribe and to which newsletter; Under “Enable for all users” you can set conditions for which it is recommended to read the article “Condition trigger submissions “.
Once the trigger is configured, we can proceed with the creation of the linked experience as illustrated in the appropriate article .
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