By selecting, from the side panel, the item “Website” and then later the item “Contents” you can access a series of features that will allow you to monitor the status of the elements imported into Blendee. By selecting “Contents” you will be able to view the list of imported articles. For each piece of content, […]
Pass the Lead Generation form data, in real-time, to Blendee.
It is possible to send, in real-time, users who subscribe to Lead Generation forms to Blendee and have, right away, the ability to track the activities carried out by the customer. This is very useful in content sites or in general in sites where the concept of registered user is envisaged. However, it is possible […]
List of Parsing Tags and Where to Use Them
Blendee allows the use of Parsing tags within emails in order to personalize the content as much as possible. The Parsing tags that can be used are as follows: User Parsing Tag All the tags listed can be used within the emails, by inserting a block of text and selecting the parsing tag of interest […]