Blendee allows you to customize access to the dashboard based on 3 different types of users, which can be associated with three different types of companies and businesses.
Each different type of user corresponds to different functionalities and methods of displaying data and relevant to the type of company and business to which the particular user profile is associated.
Let’s take a closer look at these profiles:
- User Lead Generation: with this type of user profile we refer to all those companies that use the web and digital channels to acquire new contacts (or leads) and better profile them in order to create even more performing marketing strategies;
- eCommerce user: this category of users includes pure player companies in the eCommerce field, i.e. companies that operate only in the eCommerce field;
- Off-line user: this type of user includes all companies that, in addition to the eCommerce channel, have chosen to develop their business also off-line. They are therefore interested in developing omnichannel strategies aimed at integrating the different physical and digital touchpoints.
As anticipated, depending on the particular profile activated, Blendee will allow access to different types of features. In the case of an eCommerce profile, for example, you have access to all the sections dedicated to the management of the product catalog, as well as to methods of segmentation of users based on purchasing behavior as well as navigation and activities aimed precisely at online sales.
Furthermore, the type of off-line user, in addition to the functions related to online sales, has all the functions inherent to off-line sales activities that concern the management of data from points of sale such as orders, quotes, appointments, lists of stores and sales operators.
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