Blendee provides very relevant data and information on the user to analyze purchasing and browsing behavior and thus implement effective strategies.
By clicking on the Main Dashboard on Users ->Users, a screen will appear that allows you to search for a particular user (the search can be done by entering the email or part of it).
It is also possible to view the user data from the Details menu in the user list of a segment.
There are also a series of filters that allow you to facilitate the search such as, for example, the portal in which you want to search, the status of the user (whether active or inactive). You can also include anonymous users in the search or not, or choose to consider only users who subscribed to the newsletter for the search or not.
To proceed, simply drag one or more tags to the search bar or manually type a keyword followed by a colon, enter our condition and finally click on the arrow on the right.
At this point, a list of users will be displayed that correspond to the characteristics entered as a filter.
In the general view it is possible to view ID, first and last name which, if it is null means that the user is anonymous, Email, Registration, Last Activity, Active flag, and the Actions menu.
By clicking on the “Details” item in the Actions column, you will be taken to a new screen, which provides more detailed information about the user
User Detail
- Overview
- Activity
- Enrollment
- Instructions
- Products

In the central blue header is shown the user’s photo (if inserted on Facebook and if registered with the usual Facebook email), name, surname, email.
The Buyer Persona profile to which he/she belongs, the phase of the Customer Lifecycle in which he/she is located, whether he/she has given consent to receive the newsletter and commercial communications and finally the RFM score is indicated.
RFM Scoring is a segmentation technique and stands for Recency, Frequency and Monetary is explored in the article available at this link.
- Purchases: Total purchases, number of purchases, and average value
- Lifecycle: state in which the user is within the customer life cycle
- Location: the main city of navigation and the others from which the user has navigated
- Products in the cart: list of products in the user’s cart tracked in real time
- Device: type of device from which it connects most frequently and the others used
- Last Activity: The last three activities performed by the user
- Tags: tags associated with the user, from here you can also add or remove tags
- Lists: lists associated with the user, from here you can add or remove the user from a list
- Custom fields: If you have configured custom fields, you can see their value to the user here
Very interesting information that we can derive from user tracking is the activities carried out while browsing.
As we can well understand, knowing the user’s purchasing methods is important to plan strategies and to solicit them in the most appropriate way.
Through this screen we can see all the actions that the user performs, such as searching for a product, viewing a particular category or product, adding it to the cart and finally making a purchase.
At the top right you can select the period of interest and immediately below filter the activities according to catalog, experience or type of action.
Within the “Subscriptions” tab, you will find additional user information such as email, address, telephone, if the user is active, when he or she registered and the type of registration made.
You will also be able to view the channel of origin of the information, whether you subscribe to the newsletter, portal or others.
By clicking on the details icon at the top right of each section and then clicking on View Details, a screen will open with the exact list of details.

By clicking on “Orders” at the top, we access another screen where the summary of all the orders placed by the user in a given period of time is shown.
At the top right it is possible to select through the order filter whether to display only confirmed orders or all orders, also you can select the catalog and the time range to be compared.
The central chart compares the number of orders between two selected periods.
The following tabs show the total number of products, orders, total amount and other data for the selected period of interest.
By going down to the detail table you can view the details of the orders for each single day.

By clicking on the last tab at the top left, a screen will appear that will show, for the selected time frame:
- Products with the most interactions
- Products in the cart
- Purchased products
In the event that your catalog consists only of content, the products tab will be replaced by the Contents tab and the contents with the most interactions will be displayed in it.
The number of users within Blendee may vary from the number of users within the CMS.
In fact, Blendee cannot import user data from Marketplaces (Amazon and Ebay, for example). This is because the data does not belong to the customer but to the marketplace itself, which in fact shares limited and in any case unusable information (for example, the users’ email is replaced with one created ad hoc by the marketplace in question).
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