In the construction of an experience (see the related article for more information), we can insert the Webhook element, to be able to pass data in server-to-server mode.
In the block configuration, we enter the URL to the Web Service that will handle the call
Once configured in the experience, Blendee will make a call in POST mode to the saved address, as the content of the POST call it will send a JSON structured similar to the following:
{ "experienceId":001, "campaignId":002, "experienceName":"Nome della esperienza", "campaignName":"Nome della campagna", "userId":"id utente", "email":"" }
experienceId: Id of the experience from which the call originated
experienceName: Name of the experience from which the call originated
campaignId: id of the campaign from which the call originated
campaignName: Name of the campaign from which the call originated
userId: Blendee user ID that generated the call
email: Blendee user email that generated the call
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