
Real-Time Filters

In the article Filters – Glossary we made a brief presentation of the macro categories of filters. In this article we delve into the macro category of Real-Time Filters, i.e. the actions that the user performs in real time on the website. You can create and add a filter when creating a segment by clicking […]

Demographic Filters

In the article Filters – Glossary we made a brief presentation of the macro categories of filters. In this article, we delve into the macro category of Demographic Filters, i.e. information based on the user’s profile. You can create and add a filter when creating a segment by clicking on the Add Filter button and […]

Behavioral Filters

In the article Filters – Glossary we made a brief presentation of the 4 macro categories of filters. In this article we delve into the macro category of Behavioral Filters, i.e. the actions and activities carried out by users. You can create and add a filter when creating a segment by clicking on the Add […]

Geo Targeting

Blendee integra la tecnologia più all’avanguardia in termini di identificazione della localizzazione geografica dell’utente che interagisce con i vostri siti web. Grazie ad un sofisticato metodo accettato dalla quasi totalità dei browser è possibile identificare le coordinate di longitudine e latitudine dell’utente che sta navigando sul vostro sito o interagendo con una vostra app. Questa […]

Setting up filters

The configuration of filters in the Blendee platform takes place entirely within the management and creation of segments, simplifying the creation of custom user bases. Within the segment configuration screen, select the Add Filter button to access the filter configuration. You can select from the following options: Selecting New Filter will open a section where […]

Filters glossary

Filters represent the lowest-level properties that can be traced back to individual users and the actions or characteristics that can be traced back to them. Below is a brief overview of the macro categories of filters that can be configured to segment the audience of our site. From the side menu More -> Segments -> […]