Filters represent the lowest-level properties that can be traced back to individual users and the actions or characteristics that can be traced back to them.
Below is a brief overview of the macro categories of filters that can be configured to segment the audience of our site.
From the side menu More -> Segments -> New Segment -> Add Filter, you can create your own filter or call up a filter that you have already created.
Let’s see how to create a new filter:
- Demographic -> filters belonging to this category refer to information based on users’ profiles, such as first and last name, age, gender, etc.
- Behavioral -> represent the historicized activities and actions carried out by users (to learn more about Behavioral Filters).
- Real time -> the filters that belong to this category represent the actions that the user performs in “real time” on the website (to learn more about real-time filters)
Library Filters: Life Cycle Filter
It is also possible to recall existing filters such as those preset on the customer life cycle or previously created filters.
Filters belonging to this category define the state of the purchase journey in which users find themselves (to learn more about Customer Lifecycle).
To proceed with the configuration of the filters, read the article at the following link : Configure Filters
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