Campaign Manager

How to Create a New Campaign

To create a new campaign, simply select “Journey” in the main menu and then “Campaign Manager“. Once you have accessed the section, you will be able to view a summary screen of...

How to create a new experience

Once you’ve set up a new campaign, click on the blue “Create a new experience” button in the top left. A popup will open where you can enter the information to proceed with the confi...

How to edit an experience

To create or edit an existing experience, simply select “Journey” in the main menu and select “Campaign Manager“. Once you have accessed the section, you will be able to view a...

How to Set Up an Experiments – Testing

Blendee provides the possibility to create A/B/X Tests by taking advantage of the flexibility and infinite possibilities offered by the experience manager, by accessing the Experiments section. Thanks...

How to use waits within experiences

After creating an experience, it is possible to customize the flow as we want through the insertion of the blocks located in the menu on the left of our Experience manager. The user who enters the seg...