After creating an experience, it is possible to customize the flow as we want through the insertion of the blocks located in the menu on the left of our Experience manager.
The user who enters the segment for which the experience starts will move from one block to another when certain events occur and according to timing that can be specified in the properties of the chosen blocks.
The arrows coming out of a block all have the same wait time, so changing the timing on a branch will automatically update all the times on the branches of the same level.
The time in the yellow label at the top right indicates how long it takes for the system to check the condition highlighted in the blue label on the other side.
It is recommended to always set the waiting time of at least 10 minutes and not to use shorter times in order to allow the system to proceed with the checks.
It is possible to use wait times on the arrows equal to zero if and only if the next block is a wait block or trigger wait, which we are going to explain below.
In the case of triggers, we speak of active listening because the user will move to the next block immediately upon the occurrence of the condition, if for him in the time frame selected in the timeout this will be verified.

It is also possible to set waits through waiting blocks, these blocks stop the flow until the selected time expires, after which you start again from the next block.
For example, in the diagram below, the user who viewed the initial behavioural message will be sent an email after 10 hours, as indicated in the configuration box.

It is important to keep in mind that the behavioral messages and recommendations present in our experience will be visible as long as the user is in the flow, so it is important to put a wait before the exit block (if we want the experience to end) otherwise the messages will never be displayed by the user as they are already out of the experience.
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