After the brief introduction on the Blendee Dashboard (see “Introduction to the Dashboard”), in this article we will see the possibilities that the user has to customize the data visualiza...
How to create a custom template
Blendee allows, in addition to the default templates, to create custom templates for both Recommendations and Behavioural messages. Let’s see point by point how to do it: The first step is to go...
List of Parsing Tags and Where to Use Them
Blendee allows the use of Parsing tags within emails in order to personalize the content as much as possible. The Parsing tags that can be used are as follows: User Parsing Tag All the tags listed can...
How to edit a recommendation
With Blendee it is possible to make changes to a recommendation that has already been created. You will need to go to the side menu on Website -> Recommendations. Once you have opened the recommend...
How to set up a Smart Search
According to Blendee’s estimates, 30% of people who make a purchase do at least one search before completing their order. Being able to customize the search bar therefore becomes essential for a...
Introduction to the RFM Matrix
Analyzing and segmenting customers based on their value can often be challenging. In fact, the difficulty lies in identifying what is meant by value. In fact, it is not obvious that the value is defin...
This template is designed to show the user, when the page loads, a popup that can appear from above or below. This popup can optionally contain an image, form, text, additional button, or countdown ti...