Blendee provides a set of APIs to allow a greater level of integration with our customers’ systems.
Here is a list of the methods in our V3 APIs:
Portal Management
The method used to obtain information about the portal connected to the external application.
Exchange rate management
: The method used to obtain the list of exchange rates./currency/post
: A method used to change an exchange rate. If the exchange rate does not exist, it will be entered.
Trigger Management
: Method used to get the list of triggers currently configured to the portal connected to the external application./trigger/{idTrigger}/activate/post
: The method used to fire a trigger. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on.
URL Shortner Manager
: Method used to generate a url shortener. By email or idUser, it is possible to identify a possible user. If the user is correctly identified, the id will be inserted into the tracking url.
Webhook Management
: Method used to get the list of webhooks./webhook/{webhook}/put:
The method used to edit a webhook.
Custom Field Management
: Method used to obtain the list of any custom fields configured on the reference portal./customfield/{codice}/get
: The method used to obtain the required custom field information./customfield/{codice}/put
: A method used to edit the custom field. If the custom field does not exist, it will be inserted. For select, multiselect, radio-group, and checkbox-group types, the options field is required.
: The method used to delete a custom field./customfield/{codice}{?forzaCancellazione}
: A method used to insert a series of custom fields. Use the upSert parameter to force the update. For select, multiselect, radio-group, and checkbox-group types, the options field is required.
Catalog management
: Method used to obtain the list of catalogs currently available for the portal connected to the external application.
Category management
: Method used to obtain the list of categories currently available for the catalog connected to the external application. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./category/{idCategoria}{?idCatalogo}/get
: A method used to obtain the required category information for the catalog connected to the external application. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./category/{idCategoria}/put
: A method used to modify a category to the catalog connected to the external application. If the category does not exist, it will be inserted. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./category/post
: A method used to add categories to the catalog connected to the external application. Use the upSert parameter to force the update. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on.
Product Management
: Method used to obtain the list of products currently available for the catalog connected to the external application. At least one parameter is required between ProductId, Categoryid, sku, name and StoreLink. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on/product/{idProdotto}/get
: A method used to obtain information about the requested product from the catalog connected to the external application. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./product/{idProdotto}/put
: A method used to modify the required product information from the catalog connected to the external application. If the product does not exist, it will be inserted.
If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on.product/post
: A method used to insert a series of products into the catalog connected to the external application. In the event that a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the parameter idCatalog to define which catalog to operate on… Use the upSert parameter to force the update.
Content Management
Method used to obtain the list of contents currently available for the catalog connected to the external application. At least one parameter is required between ContentId, CategoryId, Name, and StoreLink. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./content/{idContenuto}/get
: A method used to obtain information about the content required by the catalog connected to the external application. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./content/{idContenuto}/put
: A method used to modify the content information required by the catalog connected to the external application. If the content does not exist, it will be inserted. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./content/post
: A method used to insert a series of contents into the catalog connected to the external application. In the event that a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the parameter idCatalog to define which catalog to operate on…
Use the upSert parameter to force the update.
Order management
: Method used to obtain a list of filtered orders. At least one parameter is required between email, userid and fidelityCard. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./order/{idOrdine}{?idCatalogo}/head
: Method used to verify the presence or absence of an order within the Blendee platform. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./order/{idOrdine}{?idCatalogo}/get
: Method used to obtain information about an order within the Blendee platform. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./order/{idOrdine}/confirm/post
: Method used to update the confirmed/unconfirmed status of a purchase within the Blendee platform. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./order/post:
A method used to track the purchase of a product within the Blendee platform. If a default catalog has not been defined in the external application, it is necessary to use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on.
User management
: A method used to obtain a list of filtered users. At least one parameter is required between email, UserId, BirthDate and FidelityCard./user/{email}/get
: The method used to obtain the requested user information via email./user/{idUtente}/get
: Method used to obtain the information about the requested user through Userid.
Subscription management
: The method used to edit a subscription.
If the subscription does not exist, it will be inserted. If you do not have a default catalog defined in the external application, you must use the idCatalog parameter for doubleOptIn information. UserID is required for Portal subscriptions/subscription/post
: Method used to add subscriptions. Use the upSert parameter to force the update. If you do not have a default catalog defined in the external application, you must use the idCatalog parameter for doubleOptIn information. UserID is required for Portal subscriptions
Newsletter list management
: Method used to get the list of newsletter lists./newsletter-list/{code}/get
: Method used to obtain information about the requested newsletter list./newsletter-list/{code}/delete
: Method used to delete the requested newsletter list./newsletter-list/{code}/users{?from,size}/get
: Method used to obtain information about the list of users contained in the requested newsletter list./newsletter-list/{code}/users/post
: Method used to add users to the requested newsletter list. If the newsletter list does not exist, it will be inserted. If Trigger is set to true, and if you do not have a default catalog defined in the external application, you must use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on./newsletter-list/{code}/users/delete
: Method used to remove users from the requested newsletter list. If Trigger is set to true, and if you do not have a default catalog defined in the external application, you must use the idCatalog parameter to define which catalog to operate on.
Loyalty card management
: Method used to obtain the list of loyalty cards associated with a user. At least one parameter is required between UserID and email./fidelity/{fidelityCard}/get
: The method used to obtain the required loyalty card information./fidelity/{fidelityCard}/put
: A method used to change the points balance of a loyalty card. If the loyalty card does not exist, it will be inserted./fidelity/post
: A method used to enter the points balance of a series of loyalty cards.
Use the upSert parameter to force the update.
For complete API v.3 documentation, please contact the support team.
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