From the Blendee platform it is possible to manage the imports of:
- Users
- Instructions
- Products
- Categories
Imports are very important for synchronizing site data with the Blendee platform and, in general, are done automatically once a day.
To check the status of imports, there is a section dedicated only to the Import Management accessible from the Settings menu item.
Within the Imports Manager it is possible to check the imports of:
- Users
- User Attributes
- Instructions
- Products
- Categories
by selecting the item you want.
Inside the panel we find a table that shows the following information:
Possible actions are:
Download the list of users/orders/products/categories, or download the list of errors for each of them.
To import users subscribed to the newsletter, read the dedicated article.
For the import of users who have not subscribed to the newsletter, read the dedicated article.
To import lists of subscribed/unsubscribed users to the portal, read the dedicated article.
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