Blendee audience platform allows you to integrate your Audience offline data via a CSV file. Once the data is ingested and processed, you can combine offline data with online data and create new audiences.
How to Integrate Your Audience’s Offline Data
To integrate your Audience’s offline data, just click on “Settings” and then “Manage Imports>User Attributes” from the main menu of Blendee.
Once you have accessed the section, click on the “Import” button at the top right.
Proceed by selecting the Provider you are importing your offline data from and uploading the file in CSV format.
Once done, click on the “Confirm” button.
On the “Import User Attributes” page, you will be able to view the uploaded files with their details:
- Id
- File Name
- Provider
- Rows Count
- Matched Users
- Expiration Date
- Upload Date
- Status
- Action
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