To create a Push Notifications campaign, go to the Direct Marketing -> Push Notification menu
At the top right click on the “New Push Notifications” button and proceed with the configuration and customization of the Push Notifications

In addition to the name, the other configurable fields are:
Mode: You can choose whether the notification should remain fixed as visibility or whether it should close automatically after a certain time.
Priority: In this case you can communicate whether the notification should be shown in high priority (i.e. before other notifications) or not
Segment: You need to choose a segment to send notifications to.
Once the push has been configured, proceed by clicking on the “Next” button at the bottom right, with the customization of the text and the link.

Push Notifications, as well as SMS, are easily customizable by inserting a title for the Push, the message you want to send and the link to the customer who clicks on the message.
Once the customization is finished and we click on “Save”, we will be taken back to the screen where all the pushes are present and we can, by clicking on the “Send” button, schedule the sending of the message just created.

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