The Audience Provider and the Audience Buyer interact with each other through a series of entities and actions that are: Was this content useful? Thanks for contributing! Yes No
Audience Enrichment
The Audience Provider: what actions can be taken in the Curated Audience
The Audience Provider within the Blendee Curated Audience can perform the following actions: Was this content useful? Thanks for contributing! Yes No
The Audience Provider: how to view the list of all Audience Packages
The Audience Provider can view the list of all Audience Packages created, the Audiences that are part of them, and can easily clone a Package to create a new one. How to view the list of all Audience ...
The Audience Provider: how to view the list of all Provided Audiences
The Audience Provider can view the list of all Provided Audiences created with their details such as size and status. How to view the list of all Provided Audiences To view the list of all Provided Au...
The Audience Provider: how to view the list of all Audience Deals
In Curated Audience, the Audience Provider can view the list of all its Audience Deals and monitor the status of the Deal. How to view the list of all Audience Deals To view the list of all Audience D...
The Audience Provider: how to view the list of all Custom Requests
In the Curated Audience, the Audience Provider can view the list of Custom Requests received from the Audience Buyer, manage them and monitor their status. How to view the list of all Custom Requests ...
The Audience Buyer: what actions they can take in the Curated Audience
The Audience Buyer within the Blendee Curated Audience can perform the following actions: Was this content useful? Thanks for contributing! Yes No
The Audience Buyer: how to view the list of all Audience Providers
The Audience Buyer can view the list of all Audience Providers participating in the Curated Audience and obtain relevant information about the Provider’s profile and the size of the Audience. Ho...
The Audience Buyer: how to view the list of all Audience Packages
The Audience Buyer can view the list of all the Audience Packages available in the Curated Audience and get more details about the Packages and the Audiences that are part of it. How to view the list ...
The Audience Buyer: how to send a Deal Request
The Audience Buyer can send Deal requests on a given Audience Package of interest to the Audience Provider. How to Submit a Deal Request To send a Deal Request, simply select “Advertising”...