The Advertiser is one of the key entities of the Blendee Adserver and represents the person or company that pays to advertise a product or service online. In Blendee you can create two types of Advert...
Creativity: what it is and how to create it
The Creative is one of the key entities of the Blendee Adserver and represents the advertisement in various formats (e.g. static image or HTML 5). The creative is always associated with a specific adv...
Campaign: what it is and how to create it
The Campaign is one of the key entities of the Blendee Adserver and represents the set of settings that govern the display of the Creative. The Campaign is always associated with a specific Advertiser...
What are the statuses of the Campaign?
A Campaign can be in different states. Was this content useful? Thanks for contributing! Yes No
Creative Justification
The In Page Banner Verification feature allows you to preview the Creative on the site where it is scheduled to serve without having to activate the Campaign. To access the feature, click on “Cr...