To insert a form into a Behavioural Message , you must have created it beforehand. To learn more, we recommend reading the dedicated article “Create a form” .
Once the form has been created, access the left menu and click on Website -> Behavioural Messages.
Once you have accessed the control panel, you can proceed by clicking on the “New Behavioural Message” button at the top right.
At this point, you can proceed with the configuration wizard.
In the first step, it will be necessary to choose from the drop-down menu the custom form that we intend to insert into the behavioural message
Then you can proceed by following the different steps of the wizard. For more information, we recommend reading the dedicated article.
In the step related to the choice of the template, it is necessary to select a template that allows the insertion of the form among the other elements. You can see which of our templates provide this feature by visiting the dedicated page.
Once you have chosen the template that allows you to insert the form, it is necessary, if not already active by default, to enable the display of the same in the template customization keys.
To conclude, simply click on “Update Preview”: you will then see the preview ofthe format within our behavioral message.
N.B.: It is not possible to insert the same form more than once on a page.
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