Go to Settings -> Import Management -> Users
at the top right select “Import Subscribers”, then select the type of import you want to do (in this case “Import Newsletter Subscribers”
In the window that appears, you can select the csv file you want to import.

Before proceeding with the upload of the file, we recommend that you download the sample file by clicking on the link at the bottom left ” Download the sample csv file” in order to be sure to upload the file with all the fields, correctly filled in.
The fields to be sent for each user, the value of which must be entered:
1) Email
Email with which the user signed up.
(Must be a valid email format)
2) f_ricevi_newsletter
To be set to 1 if we want the user to be subscribed to newsletters, otherwise 0.
3) f_ricevi_commerciali
To be set to 1 if we want you to be subscribed to commercial communications, otherwise 0.
It is also recommended to enhance the following fields:
1) f_ricevi_newsletter_ts
Containing the timestamp of the newsletter subscription
2) f_ricevi_commerciali_ts
Containing the timestamp of the subscription to commercial communications
Thanks for contributing!