Within the management of product recommendations (see if you have not already read the page Using mandatory and suggested conditions ) there is also an extremely powerful and versatile possibility: the choice between contextual or value conditions.
In order to make the contextual functionality available, it is necessary that the scripts presented on the page: Contextual Variables in Product recommendations have been correctly implemented.
You can set contextual and value conditions once you have chosen to proceed to set up the mandatory and functional conditions of Product Recommendations.
Contextual conditions
Contextual conditions refer to the “context” within which the personalization block will be placed. Imagine that you want to show personalized products within the “Category” page, filtered by the current (contextual) category. Just select “Category” in the drop-down menu of the condition, then choose the “Equals” option and then select “Contextual”.
Please note : these conditions are only applicable to the Product Recommendations applicable to the website.
Conditions Value
On the other hand, the Value condition behaves differently. This condition allows us to make explicit what is the value of the condition we want to apply.
As an example, let’s imagine that you want to show some customization blocks on the Home Page. In one of these, let’s imagine that we want to show a set of recommended products filtered according to a specific Category.
To do this we will have to choose in the drop-down menu Type -> Value.
Whenever possible, as in this case, the next box will show a drop-down menu that contains all the categories in the database, from which we can select the desired value.
N.B.: Not all conditions have the option to enter a contextual value. This feature is only present for those values that are tracked in real time through tracking.
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