Blendee provides customers with a wide range of data that can be accessed directly from the Blendee Dashboard but also through the creation of specific segments .
Often the user needs to export some of this data in order to be able to process it externally by Blendee, for example for a company presentation.
Within the platform you will then find the possibility to proceed with the export of data relating to email sendings as well as statistics relating to behavioural messages and product recommendations.
The exportable data will also contain the data collected within the automated flows set up by Experience Manager. When it will be possible to export the statistics related to the graph we are viewing, at the top right next to the period selection, the icon that starts the download will be shown (see image below).
Simply click on the Download icon to download the file in .csv format containing the required information. In the video you can see an example of how to download statistics for sending newsletters.
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