Blendee allows you to create different types of Audiences depending on the analysis (or action) you want to perform with the collected data:
- Direct
- Cluster
- Person
- Composite
- Twin
- Contextual
- OnSite
- Extended (only for customers belonging to a consortium)
How do I access my Audience list?
To access the list of your audiences, simply select “Target” in the main menu and then “Audience“.
Once you have accessed the section, you will be able to view the list of all the Audiences previously created and present in the platform.

With Blendee, you can also import your existing Audience from other platforms. This type of audience is available on Blendee as Audience Imported.
Thanks to the use of filters, it is possible to speed up the search for Audiences within the list by entering the Id, Name, Type and Label fields.
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