From the Analytics -> Users side menu, we can access the following views related to the distribution of users.
Within the page we find six blocks:
Visitors’ Block: Anonymous, Acknowledged, Revealed
In this block we can check through two pie charts, the users collected by the platform divided into:
- Known: those for which we have data such as email or phone number
- Revealed: Users who were first tracked as anonymous and then registered or logged in
- Anonymous: unknown users who have browsed the site
Block Users by Gender

In this block we can visualize through the pie chart the users divided by male/female gender.
Block Users by Age

In this block we can view users grouped by age groups (0 to 20; 20 to 40; 40 to 60; over 60).
Active Block

In the Active block we can view the most populated segments in descending order. Among the data displayed is also the economic value brought by customers.
Clicking on the 3 dots at the top right will open the detail page of the segments on Blendee, from where it will be possible to view the users within them and modify the conditions of the filters.

Buyer Personas Block

In the Buyer Personas block we can see the percentage of users who belong to a given Buyer Persona. By clicking on the 3 dots at the top right, all the Buyer Personas created for the portal will be shown, we will be able to view their details, the users within them and modify their characteristics.

Blocking the RFM

In this block, you can view, in descending order of the number of users within the segment, the most populated RFM indexes.
RFM is nothing more than a way to evaluate customers according not so much to their propensity to buy, but with respect to their value in terms of “revenue potential”. A more detailed description of RFM indices and their calculation can be found on this page.
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