The template Often bought together is a template for recommendations, for the initial configuration of the recommendation please refer to the dedicated article how to configure a recommendation.
Tra gli algoritmi per la selezione dei prodotti da mostrare nelle recommendation troviamo quello chiamato “Frequently Bought Together“, per cui è stato pensato questo template.
It is possible to insert the product recommendations extracted according to this algorithm only in the Product Detail Page (page type 103) as they refer to the contextual product displayed.
The number of products needed to be purchased with the product in order for the algorithm to include them in the list of items often bought together It is set to 5 by default, if you need to decrease or increase this value to better reflect the needs of your e-commerce, you can send an email to support to request the change.
Please note that if there are no elements that match the requirements, the recommendation container will not be shown.
The structure of the template varies depending on the CMS used: it will therefore be necessary to choose the template indicated for your e-commerce platform (Magento, Prestashop or Shopify) when configuring the message. The templates have been created and tested within the standard themes of the various CRMs and may not be compatible with all the themes available for CMS platforms, please contact Blendee support to request a feasibility of customization.
Below we can see a preview of the result.
Let’s move on to illustrate the elements that are customizable in the template in question.
Layout -> Button
Rollover Button Border Color | Rollover Buttons Text Color | Rollover Button Background: customization of the border color, text, and background of the buttons within the hover recommendation (added to the cart of the individual and all selected products)
Button Text Color | Button Border | Button background: text color, border, and button background
Card button text: customization of the text string displayed in the add to cart button of the individual product
Total Buy Button Text Size (in px) | Text size of card buttons (in px): size of the font used in the label of the add to cart buttons of the individual product and of all the selected ones.
Button Rounded Corners (in px) | Button border size (in px): Button border line thickness and rounding radius, in pixels
Total Purchase Button Text: Customize the text string displayed in the add-to-cart button of all selected products
Padding above below card buttons (in px) | Padding left right card buttons (in px) : padding in pixels of the buttons to add to the cart of the single product.
Padding above below total purchase button (in px) | Padding left right button total purchase (in px) : padding in pixels of the add to cart button of all selected products.
Layout -> Recommendation Content
Hide short description product card | Hide Card Product Name | Hide Card Product Button | Hide card product quantity | Hide Image | Hide Product Card Price: Hides/shows the various card components of the recommended product
Card Roll Border Color | Product Card Border Color: Normal and hover card border color
Price size (in px): The font size used for the product’s original price
Original Price Bar Color: Product Price Cut Bar Color
Color Sale/Final Price | Original Price Color: Font color used for the price of the product, both discounted and starting
Product Card Text Color | Product Card Rollover Text Color: The color of the font used in the product card
Product padding card (in px): distance in pixels between the content and the edge of the card
Maximum product card image width (in px): Maximum width in pixels of images
Product card edge thickness (in px) | Product Card Rounded Corners (in px): Thickness of the edge of the cards containing the products and the rounding radius of the corners in pixels
Maximum product card width (in px): maximum width of the cards in pixels, keep in mind the width of the images that must be inside this container
“+” symbol color between cards: color of the + sign between cards
Hide box notes: The box notes appear at the bottom of the product grid, and you can hide it
Card Rollover Background Color | Product Card Background Color: The background color of the cards in the normal state and on hover
Container Text Color: The font color used for the generic text of the outermost container
Hide additional text: You can hide additional text that is visible at the bottom of the recommendation
Discount label add-on text: Text of the label shown on the products with the discount
Discount padding label (in px): padding of the label that indicates the discount on a product
Discount label text size (in px): The size of the font used in the discount label
Discount label rounded corners: Rounding radius of the edge of the discount label
Discount Label Background Color | Discount label text color: The color of the discount label and the text within it
Hide text before cards: hides the text placed before the grid of recommended products
Rollover Image Animation: Enables and disables product image animation on hover
Text indicating the product being viewed: a string of text that highlights the first product shown among the recommendations, which is the product on the product detail page we are viewing
Layout -> Location & Size
Margin of the “+” symbol between the cards: lateral distance of the + symbol from the cards, vertically it is automatically centered
“+” symbol size between cards: Font size used for the + symbol
Container border color | Container Background Color: Color settings of the main container
Rounded corners of container (in px) | Container border size (in px): Setting the size of the main container border and rounding radius at the corners
Maximum container width (in px) | Margin before and after the container (in px) | Container padding (in px): width occupied by the main container on the page, in pixels, vertical positioning indicated by the margin relative to the previous and next elements, and padding of the container
Hide Quantity Reset Button: it is possible to hide the button with the arrow that resets the value of the quantity of objects entered
Total Price Color: Font color used to indicate the price given by the sum of the cost of all the products selected from those offered
Text size total price (in px) | Total price label text size (in px): Font size used for the total price and its label
Hide discount label: You can hide the discount label
Number of columns of the products displayed: you can choose the number of columns used to form the grid that will host the cards with the extracted products. The number of products and therefore the number of rows shown will vary depending on the number of products often bought together with the product we are viewing. Such a recommendation may also have no products, in which case the main container will be hidden.
Layout -> Message Text
Notes Icon | Hide notes icon: You can select a custom icon to show next to your notes and hide it
Label before total price: Text displayed before the total amount of all selected products
Notes Text Before Total: Text to be displayed in notes in HTML format
Total Price Label Color: The font color used for the total label
Additional CSS: We can insert custom CSS code (insert valid CSS code).
Layout -> More
Text before cards: Text displayed before the grid with recommended products
Hide loader: you can hide the animation when loading products
Loader Icon Color | Loader Background Color | Loader Icon Size: Color , background, and size of the icon used in the animation on load
Thanks for contributing!