An Extended is a type of Audience that contains users whose socio-demographic characteristics are enriched with the Audience coming from the Traffic Providers or whose Audience can be extended using the Traffic Provider’s Audience.
The Traffic Provider is typically a publisher that accepts the Blendee tag in its digital properties, thus allowing its Audience to be tracked.
You can create an Extended Audience from the following source audiences: Cluster, Direct, Persona, and Composite. As with Composites, Extended Ones do not have longevity associated with them.
Audience Extended is only available on Blendee to companies participating in the NESSIE consortium.
How to create an Audience Extended
You can create an Extended by clicking on “Target” and then “Audience” from the Blendee main menu.
Once you have accessed the section, proceed by choosing an Audience on which you want to create an Extended and click on the “Manage” button and then on “Create Extended”.
The Audience extension works differently depending on the chosen source Audience and its characteristics. The extension rule template applied by Blendee changes whether the Source Audience is built with Consortium attributes only or whether it is built with at least one non-Consortium attribute. Let’s take a closer look.
1. Source Audience with only Consortium attributes
If a Cluster or a Person created only with Consortium attributes is chosen, the extension is carried out with the “rule-based” model: the same attributes of the source Audience are used to select the Traffic Provider’s Audience. Composites cannot be extended with the “rule-based” type.
Once you have selected the Audience, a screen will open where you can proceed to create your Extended Audience.
Blendee shows a forecast of the maximum reachable Audience, divided into “Your Audience” (dark blue) and “Traffic Provider Audience” (light blue).
Enter the main information of your Extended such as:
- Name: name you want to give to the Extended;
- Labels (optional): If you want to associate a label with the Extended.
You can choose to create the Extended Audience using only the Traffic Provider’s Audience. To do this, simply activate the “Exclude your audience” plugin and the extension will only be carried out on the Traffic Provider’s Audience.
You can also set a maximum size of the audience you want to reach. To do this, simply value the “Extended Limit” field (optional), where you can enter a value lower than the maximum Audience or a higher value.
If you set an “Extended Limit” lower than the maximum reachable Audience, the Audience will never be higher than the set size. Conversely, if you set an Audience size that is higher than the maximum Reachable Audience, Blendee does not update the graph shown, but the desired size will be saved so that the Audience size is reached.
Keep in mind that when populating the Extended Audience, your Audience always takes precedence over the Traffic Provider’s Audience, regardless of whether you have set a maximum Audience size.
Once you have done all the operations, click on the “Confirm” button to create the Audience Extended that will be present in the list of your Audiences in the Target>Audience section of Blendee.

2. Source Audience with at least one non-Consortium attribute
If a Cluster, Direct, Person or Composite created with at least one non-Consortium attribute is chosen, the extension is done with the “lookalike” model: Blendee will find users similar to your Audience among the users of your source Audience and the Traffic Provider’s Audience.
The creation process is the same as the one described above with a rule-based model. The only difference lies in the presence of the values “Affinity Level Client” and “Affinity Level Provider” which respectively indicate the level of affinity of the Extended with your own Audience and with the Traffic Provider’s Audience.
Once created, the Extended will be present in the list of your Audiences in the Target>Audience section of Blendee.
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