In this article, we’ll look at how you can send a personalized SMS to users who enter the flow of an experience.
First you need to create or edit the experience, please refer to the dedicated article for guidance on how to proceed
As a reminder, you can start experiences from various sets of users:
- The entire user base
- Users of a segment
- users of a list
- users of a newsletter
- Users of a trigger
It is a good idea to make sure that the set of users to whom the SMS will be sent has enhanced the mobile number field in order to maximize the successful sending of the message.
Once the experience has been created on the left, in the ACTIONS section, you will be able to view the SMS element. At this point it will be enough to drag it under the starting users’ block and connect it with an arrow, clicking on the dot at the base of the upper block, releasing the mouse once we have reached the lower block and the cursor takes the shape of an open hand.
It is possible to configure the SMS through the right column by setting the time and content
By clicking on Go to editor, it is possible to first assign a name to the message and then enter the message customization section: this configuration can be done quickly and easily thanks to the visual editor that allows us to have a real-time preview of the message

It is also possible to send a preview to verify that everything is as expected and to be able to proceed with the sending in peace.
Blendee also offers the possibility to insert emoticons within the text of the message by simply clicking on the smiley face at the top right of the message input window.
Finally, click on the blue “Save Configuration” button.
If you want to draw a link to the portal, you must enter the link in the format https:// If the protocol is not entered, the tracking will not be entered.
N.B.: In case some characters are not GSM7 standard, the UNICODE encoding will be used for a correct sending, which counts 1 sms every 70 characters. If you don’t need to use these characters, we recommend replacing them with standard GSM 7-bit ones to have the full 160 characters available. Click here to learn more about UNICODE characters.
Also for the action of SMS, both mandatory and suggested conditions can be inserted. To learn more about this topic, please refer to the article “Using Mandatory or Suggested Conditions”.
Once you have filled in all the fields and activated the content of the message, proceed by clicking on Save.
At this point, all that remains is to activate our trigger.
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