Blendee provides a powerful trigger engine, capable of activating personalized and unique communications for each customer, on all available channels.
It is therefore possible to create ringing experiences adapted to different user segments and dialogue with them in the most relevant way.
More than 300 types of triggers are available on the platform that allow visitors to be re-engaged using, alternatively or synergistically, the following communication channels:
- Facebook Campaign
- Web Push Notification
- Adding/Removing Tags
- Newsletter
- Server to Server Post Data
To access the triggers click on “Journey” -> “Triggers”.
You can choose between two types of triggers:
- Real Time Triggers
- Scheduled triggers
NB: The Real Time types represent triggers capable of intercepting the user’s actions in real time.
Real Time Triggers
Below are the types of Real Time Triggers with the corresponding tracking codes in parentheses.
Welcome Message
Triggers for sending the welcome message to the user’s portal membership (UR)
Website Activity
Trigger that fires when certain actions are performed on the website:
- Page view (VI)
- Product Visualization (PV)
- Category view (CV)
- Purchasing (AC)
- Add to Cart (CA)
- Removing from Carriage (CD)
- custom action (CT)
- form submission (FS)
- Research (SR)
Actions on Specific Brand
A trigger that is triggered when a user interacts with a specific brand, in the case of:
- Purchasing (AC)
- Product Visualization (PV)
- Add to Cart (CA)
- Research (SR)
Product-specific actions
A trigger that fires when a user interacts with a specific product, in cases of:
- Purchasing (AC)
- Product Visualization (PV)
- Add to Cart (CA)
- Research (SR)
Actions on a Specific Category
A trigger that fires when a user interacts with a specific category, in cases of:
- Purchasing (AC)
- Category view (CV)
- Add to Cart (CA)
- Research (SR)
Subscribe/unsubscribe Newsletter
Trigger that is triggered when a user subscribes (US) or unsubscribes from the newsletter (UN).
API Call
Trigger that is triggered through integration via API call.
Entering/Exiting a Segment
A trigger that fires whenever a user enters or leaves a predefined segment.
For a guide on how to configure triggers, see Configure a trigger
Scheduled triggers

Below are the types of Scheduled Triggers.
Recurrence Inscription
A trigger that fires as the user’s enrollment date approaches.
Birthday Offers
A trigger that fires as the user’s birthday approaches.
Abandoned Cart Recovery
Trigger that fires for users who have an abandoned cart after a predefined period.
Abandoned Products
Trigger that activates for users with products added to their cart and then removed before purchasing.
What’s new in a category
A trigger that fires for all users who have seen or purchased products in a category where a new product is added or a new product is back in stock.
What’s new in a brand
Trigger that is activated for all users who have seen or purchased products from a brand where a new product is inserted or a new product becomes available again.
Abandoned Category
Trigger that fires for all users who have viewed or searched for a certain category without purchasing anything in a predefined time period.
Purchase recurrence
Trigger that fires for all users who have made a purchase in a predefined time period.
Scheduled Task
Trigger that activates according to a user-defined manual schedule.
Expiring product
Trigger that fires for all users who have a product expiring in a predefined time period.
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